How does the above statement relate to the topic of this module? It illustrates the difference between the traditional view of education and the 21st Century view of education. Traditionally, the teacher was seen as the source of information and whose authority was unquestionable. Presently, teachers are seen a facilitators that help student gather information, and that their own knowledge is limited. This is one reason why Alberta Education has pushed forth the need for students to be entrepreneurial. Does this mean that we want students to go out and start businesses? The government is more concerned with developing a self-reliant student that:

"creates opportunities and achieves goals through hard work, perseverance and discipline; who strives for excellence and earns success; who explores ideas and challenges the status quo; who is competitive, adaptable and resilient; and who has the confidence to take risks and make bold decisions in the face of adversity." (Alberta Education, 2011)

Alberta Education describes a dynamic lifelong learner who embodies ethics and engagement. This illustrates another major difference between the traditional model of learning and that of the 21st Century classroom. The traditional classroom was never an environment that fostered the dynamic nature of learning. One statement that resonated with me was that the Internet and technology was allowing introverted students to become more engaged. Being an introvert myself, I have also noted that I become more willing to take risks online that I normally wouldn't in person (IE., this blog!). 

An interesting effect of the Internet is that is has given everyone a voice. Communication is essential to education. Speaking to my own background one of the final steps to the scientific method (and arguably one of the most important) is communication of your results. Without communication, there can be no transmission of knowledge. 

In one of my PSI semester classes, it was stated that one trait of an effective teacher is an effective communicator. The state of present day telecommunications is astonishing. I think an extension of effective communication should be that you are able to use telecommunications effectively as well. Creating a teleconference because you didn't want to get out of bed is an ineffective practice. It is important that the use of the technology is justifiable and relevant. 

When I taught in the US, I started a Facebook group for my Chemistry classes. Every night I would log on a students could ask me questions pertaining to any homework or the material covered that day. This was not a substitute for my teaching a lesson, but rather extra help/enrichment for those that needed it. This is a practice that has succeeded in the past and one that I will continue to use. Blogging has never been a focus of my teaching, but I think I will start to explore the implications of it in the classroom. The issue that I have always had with blogging is the need for an audience. For instance, is anyone other than my professor reading this post? I think in order to solve this a teacher should establish a classroom blog, or for any research projects the students could document their progress on a blog. 

Blogs (online communities) help students to develop a certain level of engagement that us students of the past never experienced. From this dialogue they can test their understandings, or test others understandings. It is completely feasible that with the present technology the goals of Alberta Ed of developing engaged, ethical, and  entrepreneurial students will be realized. These students will not blindly accept that the answer to all questions in the Universe is 42.

Alberta Education (2011). Framework for student learning : competencies for engaged thinkers and ethical citizens with an entrepreneurial spirit. Accessed online from July 10th, 2013.

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